1. A credit card is a plastic card that a financial institution issues that enables you to borrow up to a certain amount to make purchases.
2. You essentially borrow money from the credit card issuer when you purchase a credit card.
3. You'll receive a monthly statement that includes all your purchases and the outstanding balance. You can make a minimum payment or pay the entire balance.
4. You will be charged interest on the balance if you only make the minimum payment. The interest rate is typically higher than the interest rate on other types of loans.
5. Credit cards come with fees, such as annual fees and late fees, and cash advance fees, which can increase the cost of using one.
6. By paying off the entire balance on time and responsibly, you can improve your credit score this will help you to get approval for loans and other related financial products in the future.
7. However, making late payments on your credit card can cause debt, high interest rates, and credit card damage.