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How to Uninstall Andriod App

 How to Uninstall android App

We can follow the following actions to uninstall an Android app: 

1. On your Android device, open the "Settings" app. Typically, you can access the quick settings menu by swiping down or in your app drawer. 

2. Scroll down to the Settings menu and select "Apps" or "Applications." To continue, tap on it. 

3. All of the apps that are currently installed on your device will be displayed. Find the app you want to uninstall by scrolling through. To access the app's information, tap on it.  

4. select "Uninstall" or "Remove" from the app\'s details. To start the installation process, tap on it. 

5. 5. If you want to delete the app's data and uninstall it, a confirmation message will appear.

To confirm, carefully read the message and choose "OK" or "Uninstall". 

6. The app will now start to be removed from your device by Android. The process might take a few seconds or longer, depending on the size of the app. 

7. Once the app is uninstalled, you will see a message confirming the removal. At this point, you can close the settings menu or continue uninstalling other apps if desired. 

Please note that some pre-installed system apps or apps vital to your device's functionality may be unable to uninstall them completely. In such cases, you may only be able to disable or uninstall updates for those apps. 

Remember to be cautious while uninstalling apps, as some may contain important data or impact your device's overall functioning.

How to Uninstall Andriod App How to Uninstall Andriod App Reviewed by Admin team on July 05, 2023 Rating: 5


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